Not available until 2019 due to groundworks. Ideal for children to learn about nature. Parties of 3 -6 children aged 5-10.
Each child receives their own clipboard, pencil and nature trail hunt pack to keep. For about an hour they will hunt for the clues and return with items from the farm, specimens of plants, trees and animal observations. Followed by a huddle back at the Paca Shack to share their findings and enjoy hot chocolate, juice and cookies by the lakeside, before saying goodbye to the Alpacas. Accompanying adult required.
Nature Trail Hunt
Please wear appropriate clothing and footwear, this is a real farm, please watch your step. Participate on farm at own risk. Minimum age 5 years. Adult supervsion required. Visitor form to be completed.
Please email for up to date details prior to your visit.
Owner has the right to refuse entry to any persons.